Beginning Your Journey to a More Learner-Centered Classroom

By Jim Rickabaugh
December 13, 2016

In this article on pages 7-10 in Issue 17 of Pioneer, Dr. Jim Rickabaugh, the Senior Advisor to the Institute for Personalized Learning and a former Superintendent, attempts to answer the question for teachers, “Where do I start?”. He suggests beginning with small changes in the classroom, starting with giving students more voice and choice over learning tasks. Next he advises creating purposeful learning by helping students understand why they are learning a particular skill or concept. He asserts that after these types of small steps learners will be more accustomed to their new roles and ready to share some of the responsibilities for learning previously in the hands of the teacher alone. Lastly, he outlines three questions teachers can ask about their instructional approach in order to focus on building student agency in the classroom.

This article is an excellent introduction for teachers that are interested in changing practice but not sure where to begin.

Source Organization: Education Reimagined

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