Digital Promise League of Innovative Schools

By Digital Promise
December 21, 2018

This organization connects forward-thinking district leaders from across the country. Members work together on shared priorities, partnering with leading entrepreneurs, researchers, and education leaders to improve outcomes for students and solve challenges facing K-12 schools through learning technology and research. The League of Innovative Schools is:

  • A network of superintendents and district leaders leveraging technology to improve student outcomes
  • A national coalition of public school districts partnering with entrepreneurs, researchers, and leading thinkers
  • A test bed for new approaches to teaching and learning
  • A representation of the diversity of public education in the U.S.

Other district leaders will appreciate resources on the website such as the Challenge Map which organizes 35 commonly-faced challenges and provides ideas from League members and relevant resources to help other leaders address these issues.

Source Organization: Digital Promise

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