Mindsets for Social-Emotional Learning: Part 1 – The Research

On Wednesday, May 2nd, edWeb will be hosting an event for the Mindsets for Social-Emotional Learning. This is a free professional learning community where educators can collaborate and share ideas, examples, and resources for igniting positive change through social-emotional learning. Students and educators can achieve success both inside and outside the classroom by understanding the different principles… Read More ›

HTH GSE Spring Institute: Equity and Innovation in PBL Assessment

High Tech High will be hosting their Spring Institute that aims to explore what assessment practices look like in the PBL classroom through reflection, critique, and exhibitions of learning. Some of the topics that will be discussed in this event are: Assessment and Inclusion—How do we support all learners? Critique and Revision—How do we use… Read More ›

Ladder of Feedback for Classroom Observation

Making Learning Visible is a Project Zero initiative that adapted Daniel Wilson’s “Ladder of Feedback” for classroom observations. The “Ladder of Feedback” is a protocol or structure that establishes a culture of trust and support by sequencing feedback in an order that is constructive. This wiki page provides a summary, template, and guide for using… Read More ›

Character Lab

Character Lab is a nonprofit organization founded to research and create new ways to help all students develop character. While research suggests character is important to academic and life success, little is known about cultivating it. This site includes links to several playbooks with lesson plans, videos, and activities to help students learn character-building strategies… Read More ›

Supporting Teacher Leadership in Rhode Island

Eve Goldberg

When I was a 2nd grade teacher at Joseph A. Hardin Elementary School in New Orleans, I had the privilege of working with many amazing educators in my school. We shared strategies for engaging our students, for teaching reading, and best practices for reaching out to our students’ families. At times, these discussions ranged beyond… Read More ›

Education Week ESSA Virtual Summit 2018

This is a free online event; the Every Student Succeeds Act finally becomes a classroom reality this fall, putting more authority—and on-the-ground responsibility—in the hands of district leaders, school-level educators, and state policymakers. Education Week will offer participants a big-picture look at how prepared states, districts, and schools are to meet the challenges of the new… Read More ›

Personalized Learning Summit 2018

This event is a three-day in-person event full of professional development opportunities, dynamic and engaging sessions, networking events, inspiring and insightful keynotes, and tours of some of the most innovative companies in the San Francisco Bay Area. The 4th annual Personalized Learning Summit will bring together 750 innovative district leaders on May 2-4, 2018. These leaders will… Read More ›

ASCD’s Conference on Teaching Excellence: Pathways to Equity

The ASCD Conference on Teaching Excellence will help participants to develop and execute a comprehensive equity action plan tied to a problem of practice from one of four equity pathways: Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math (STEAM); Community and Family Engagement; Underserved Populations; and Teacher Leadership. The participants will be able to connect and share promising practices with educators… Read More ›

Amplifying Student Voice with Technology

This webinar will help educators to put students at the center of the learning experience with a transformative effect on a classroom. Powerful learning happens when teachers can bring forward student voices and when they position students as the drivers of class culture and community. This webinar can help to use technology to do that!… Read More ›

Innovative Assessments: Widening the Horizon

In this blog article, the Innovation Program Manager at The Council of Chief State School Officers explores the opportunities under ESSA for states to innovate their assessment programs. In particular the author looks at innovations in summative assessments such as the use of performance assessments as part of a state’s summative assessment system and the establishment… Read More ›

Creating a Welcoming & Inclusive Community For All

This document, created by Magnolia Montessori For All Schools in Austin, TX, is an excellent example of a school’s effort to codify their commitment to teaching students to value their identity, respect diversity, understand justice, and take action to fight bias and discrimination. The school went through a process to articulate their values and assemble… Read More ›

10 Equity Questions to Ask about Career and Technical Education

Career and technical education (CTE) has become the “next best thing” in high school reform. Lately, it’s been on the radar of governors, legislators, education commissioners, and business leaders who want to improve the match between what high school graduates know and the skills employers need. Expanding CTE can help them build the talent required… Read More ›