Can Micro-credentials Create More Meaningful Professional Development For Teachers?

This article shares anecdotes and research to support the move towards micro-credentials for educators, a way to personalize professional development. Micro-credentials are seen as a viable shift for teacher assessment and an innovative way to help teachers learn and become proficient in relevant skills. Digital Promise, whose mission is  “accelerating innovation in education,” has been a… Read More ›

How Do We Ensure Personalized Learning is a True Equity Initiative?

This article discusses the importance of addressing equity as schools embrace personalization. The authors assert that while personalized learning has great potential, ensuring equity, especially for students with disabilities (SWDs) and English Learners (ELLs), requires a lot of work and an ongoing commitment. The authors pose five questions the field should address including whether adequate teacher training and student support systems… Read More ›

Can Blended Learning Improve Equity in One of Nation’s Most Diverse Districts?

This article details the shift of New Jersey’s Morris School District (MSD) to a blended-learning model in an effort to meet diverse student needs. MSD hopes to increase gains for student populations, such as English Language Learners (ELLs) and low-income students, which continue to see slower growth despite overall district improvement.  So far, the district has found results at… Read More ›

Evaluating News and Other Sources

This resource combines the short online course, Evaluating News and Other Sources, designed to help older high school and college students understand and assess bias and evaluate sources, as well as an issue of the ASCD Express newsletter, Critical Literacy in the Age of Clickbait, focused on the same topics. Credo Education released its online micro course… Read More ›

Making Learning Personal for All: The Growing Diversity in Today’s Classroom

The report makes the case for the need to shift to personalized learning to serve growing numbers of diverse learners. It asserts that current models that drive personalization are often overly simplistic and not based on research. The report expresses concern that these over-simplified models risk driving personalization in a way that actually perpetuates achievement gaps… Read More ›

Mid-Atlantic Conference on Personalized Learning

This conference will bring together educators, researchers, and thought leaders in the mid-Atlantic and northeast committed to personalizing learning. Sessions will focus on the theme “Innovating Education for All Learners”. Topics will include: Accelerating achievement through competency-based Education Incorporating student voice and choice in today’s classrooms Creating open and inviting learning spaces, Developing new models… Read More ›

Designing for Equity in Next Generation Learning

This toolkit was created to provide support and inspiration to educators and community members who wish to have more meaningful, transparent and transformative conversations about equitable learning. The toolkit was developed by Next Generation Learning Challenges (NGLC), an initiative of Educause Learning Initiative, a nonprofit community of higher education institutions and organizations committed to the advancement of… Read More ›

Guide to the Competency-based Learning Survey for Students

This guide includes the ‘Competency-based Learning Survey for Students’ and additional instructions to support its implementation. The survey was designed to help schools and districts collect data directly from high school students. It looks at students’ beliefs about, exposure to, and understanding of key elements of competency-based learning. This survey was designed by the Regional Education… Read More ›

Can Administrators Lead Innovation Without Blended Learning Experience?

This podcast, part of the Edsurge on Air series, is an interview with Stepan Mekhitarian, the Blended Learning Coordinator for the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD). Mekhitarian has been a math teacher and administrator and researched effective blended learning as part of a doctoral study. He is currently collaborating with administrators, schools, and teachers to expand efforts for… Read More ›

Bronx Arena High School Multimedia Monograph

This multimedia monograph features Bronx Arena High School, an innovative, competency-based school serving historically marginalized youth in New York City. The school’s mission is to empower over-age under-credited students to graduate ready for college or a career. The multimedia monograph is an interactive case study that features video interviews with students and staff.  It brings… Read More ›