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Owning the Learning: Using Assessment to Personalize Instruction and Bolster Student Agency

  • May 18 - Mar 16, 2017
  • Online

Research Collaborative Seminar

In the US, we have created a culture of assessment in which students rarely have ownership over their learning and have little to no say in the way they demonstrate competency. The negative impact of this approach is evident in diminished student engagement, inequitable outcomes for marginalized populations, and underwhelming achievement levels, particularly in the STEM disciplines. It doesn’t have to be this way.

Student-centered methods of assessment have been researched, developed, and applied in powerful ways such that schools and districts across the country are now demonstrating how specific assessment approaches can be used to personalize instruction, make students’ developing competence more visible, and enhance student ownership of their learning. Student-Centered Learning Research Collaborative advisor Jim Pellegrino, a world-renowned expert in assessment, details how such research-driven assessment strategies are helping to boost student learning and change school cultures.

This online event is part of a series hosted by the Students Centered Learning Research Collaborative which works to investigate and evaluate what is known about student-centered learning and leverage that knowledge to effect meaningful change at scale. Funded by the Nellie Mae Education Foundation with additional support from the Overdeck Family Foundation, the Research Collaborative currently supports four studies and nine distinguished fellows who are leading the field in policy, practice, and research.
