Leading for Equity: Opportunities for State Education Chiefs

By Council of Chief State School Officers
March 14, 2017

This report from The Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) and The Aspen Education & Society Program outlines concrete steps states can take to support equity in education. After short sections on the definition of equity and the reasons it matters, the guide lays out ten steps state education agencies can take. These recommendations include starting difficult conversations, creating accountability for equity, allocating fiscal resources, providing support at the local level, and focusing on school climate and culture.

Leaders in any state will gain ideas that can help them set a roadmap to increase equity in their state’s schools. This blog post, from state leaders in Ohio and Washington, discusses the need to prioritize engaging in honest discussions about race, socio-economic status, and equity, one of the first recommendations from the report.

Source Organization: The Council of Chief State School Officers

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