Eastern Carver County School District Learner-Centered Resources

By Eastern Carver County School District
January 25, 2019

The resources below illustrate the work being done in Eastern Carver County School District, Minnesota to promote learner-centered education:

This transcript of an interview with Brenda Vogds, (former)Leader of Personalized Learning and Innovation for the secondary schools in the district, explores how the district worked to bring educators into the process and nurture the development of a learner-centered approach.

Staff at the school use this self-reflection tool to look at themselves on a continuum of skills that are required for a teacher-centered versus learner-centered classroom.

This interview with Shelby Jacobson, a high school senior, brings to life a student’s experience in a learner-centered environment.

Used together, these resources would be a good professional development activity. They provide a glimpse into a school district that has gone through a transformation as well as a useful tool to help other schools along the same journey.

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