In this article, Chris Berdik, science journalist and author, explores why technology could be the key to better civics education for young people today. He argues the national trend of low levels of civics proficiency is the result of an outdated approach to teaching civics. Instead, teachers should use technology to engage students. The article describes several organizations employing technology to teach students civics. The nonprofit iCivics, founded in 2009 by former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, has created free online role-playing games and accompanying curriculum for middle-school social studies classes. The Youth and Participatory Politics (YPP) research network in Oakland, California uses digital media to help kids get involved with issues in their communities. Organizations around the country are working with students to build online political involvement in local issues, including law students at Northeastern University’s NuLawLab who are working with high school bicycle advocates to digitally map the city from a cyclist’s point of view.
This article may spark ideas for teachers and administrators looking to increase their students’ civic knowledge and engagement.
Source Organization: The Hechinger Report