Supporting Student Self-Motivation In Online Credit Recovery Classrooms (Part 3 of 3)

Due to the self-directed nature of online learning in many credit recovery settings, fostering student motivation is essential. One teacher that was a part of this study noted, “Most students are in credit recovery because of motivation issues, not cognitive or behavioral issues.” As in traditional classrooms, online credit recovery teachers grapple with how much… Read More ›
Building Competencies for Careers
This report draws on information from the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Information Network (O*NET) to better understand the value of deeper learning competencies in the labor market. O*NET compiles surveys of employees and occupational experts to determine key characteristics and requirements of more than 900 occupations. Using this database, researchers from the Center on Education Policy (CEP)… Read More ›
Technology Counts 2017
Technology Counts 2017: Classroom Tech: Where Schools Stand is Education Week’s 20th annual report on education technology. The report’s feature story reveals concern that technology is not being used to its full potential in K-12 schools across the country. It points to continued gaps in access to broadband networks and inadequate teacher training which raise… Read More ›
Skills for Today: What We Know about Teaching and Assessing Collaboration
This literature review from researchers at Pearson and Partnership for 21st Century Learning (P21) explores existing research on the importance of collaboration skills, as well as how to teach and assess these skills in K-12 and higher-education classrooms. The review examines research on successful k-12 and higher ed interventions to increase collaboration and teamwork skills. Techniques for assessment of… Read More ›
How Can We Increase Civic Engagement in the Era of Fake News and Social Media?
Recently, I had the pleasure of attending and presenting at Engaging Citizens: Civics Education and the New Political Landscape, a forum hosted by The Boston Foundation, to discuss the importance of civics education in Massachusetts. As the Director of the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning & Engagement (CIRCLE, Tisch College of Civic Life), my… Read More ›
Student Voices from Revere High School
These three videos feature students from Revere High School in Massachusetts. Each student discusses the impact a student-centered learning environment has had on their experiences and dreams for the future. These short videos could be used to build community support for a shift to student-centered learning. Source Organization: Imaj Associates
Sixth Annual Boston EdTalk
Boston EdTalks is a celebration of innovation in education that brings educators and leaders from across the city of Boston together during Teacher Appreciation Week to share their unique ideas and innovative classroom practices. The event will include five 10-minute presentations by local teachers. Three of the Nellie Mae Education Foundation Speaker’s Bureau members, Lissette Castillo, Sunny Pai,… Read More ›
We Don’t Give Students Voices, They Have Voices
“We’re the ones in the classrooms, why not ask us?”— A common refrain, we at the Nellie Mae Education Foundation, hear from the young people we’re working with around New England. We believe that when students are actively engaged in their learning, and given a voice in their communities to affect change, schools and communities… Read More ›
Empowering Advocates for Educational Transformation
This was originally posted by Nellie Mae Education Foundation on Medium on April 4, 2017 . Introducing the 2017 Nellie Mae Education Foundation Speakers Bureau All too often, those most directly involved in and affected by our education system are ignored or silenced. At the Nellie Mae Education Foundation, we believe that these voices are… Read More ›
Unconscious Bias in the Classroom: Evidence and Opportunities
This report looks at the contribution of unconscious bias (UB) to the troubling achievement gap for women and minority students, especially in Computer Science and STEM courses. The report indicates that exposure to UB can change stereotyped groups’ behaviors to conform to the stereotype, even when it was initially untrue. It details existing research studies… Read More ›
Massachusetts Early College Initiative Launch
This event will mark the launch of the Massachusetts Early College Initiative. This initiative will support the expansion of high-quality early college programming in the Commonwealth. Attendees will join state education leaders and early college pioneers to learn about this new policy initiative from keynote speaker Governor Charlie Baker. The event is sponsored by the state of Massachusetts,… Read More ›
RI Personalized Learning Initiative
The Rhode Island (RI) Personalized Learning Initiative was launched in September 2016 by the Rhode Island Office of Innovation with the Rhode Island Department of Education, Highlander Institute, and other partners. It supports educators and administrators statewide in the development, piloting, and growth of new models for personalized learning; and facilitates the sharing of best practices and… Read More ›