2016 GFE Annual Conference

The 2016 Grantmakers for Education Conference—Equity in Education: Conversations We’re Not Having—will be a forum for “undiscussable” topics, an opportunity to bring them out of the shadows. This year’s conference will be held in the Mountain West United States—Denver, Colorado—a region that has been lauded nationally for its progressive K-12 reform initiatives. Despite many successful… Read More ›

Digital Learning Day—Baltimore County Public Schools (Video)

This video shows digital learning in action from the Baltimore County Schools. The schools have a one-to-one initiative known as S.T.A.T. (Students & Teachers Accessing Tomorrow), which aims to provide more than 100,000 students with a personal digital learning device by 2018. The district has combined their staff, teachers, parents, faith and community partners, business leaders,… Read More ›

Getting Smart

This blog is a community for news, stories, and leadership on innovations in learning and teaching. Read, watch, and listen to thought-leading perspectives as The Getting Smart Blog features articles on K-12, higher education, and lifelong learning. With over 5,000 blogs, GettingSmart.com has maintained the belief that excellence and equity in education are the most important… Read More ›

Reflection Tool For 21st Century Learning

Supporting college and career readiness by fostering soft skills—sometimes called essential skills, is an important area of student-centered work. Working with the staff and students at C-Town Tech, a new information technology program at Charlestown High School, located in Boston, the Students at the Center Hub team developed the Reflection Tool For 21st Century Learning to support… Read More ›

Future Ready Learning: Reimagining the Role of Technology in Education

This report, the National Education Technology Plan, sets a national vision and plan for learning enabled by technology through building on the work of leading education researchers; district, school, and higher education leaders; classroom teachers; developers; entrepreneurs; and nonprofit organizations. Our schools, community colleges, and universities should be incubators of exploration and invention. Educators should be… Read More ›

LearnLaunch Across Boundaries

LearnLaunch Across Boundaries conference taking place on January 21-22, 2016 aims to promote dialogue about digital learning. Our 4th annual conference will examine the following question: “Are we digitizing past practice or moving toward personalized learning?” The conference brings together a diverse set of voices to discuss the most challenging questions facing teachers and the edtech industry today. Over… Read More ›

The Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop

This organization, the Joan Ganz Cooney Center, an independent research lab, addresses the challenges of educating children in the face of the changing media landscape. The center’s mission is to conduct original research on emerging education technologies and collaborate with educators and media producers to put this research into action. Program initiatives fall into 3… Read More ›

Students at the Center: TEDx Talk

This film, from Nellie Mae Education Foundation’s CEO Nick Donahue speech at TEDx Beacon Street, questions why our education system designed as if it’s 1915? Rather than a top-down, one-size-fits-all approach to education, schools need student-centered strategies to help learners reach their highest potential. Source Organization: Nellie Mae Education Foundation

Educate Maine: 2015 Annual Education Symposium & Leadership Luncheon

Educate Maine is hosting a day of engaging plenaries and workshops led by Maine business, education and policy leaders. The Symposium will feature keynotes from leading state and national education experts as well as more intimate interactive workshops on a range of education issues spanning early childhood through adulthood. The event culminates with the annual… Read More ›