Shadow A Student Challenge

When students feel known and valued by an adult at their school, they show up. When they are engaged in relevant, challenging work, they are building competencies for college, career, and civic life. What is it like to be a student at your school? To ride the bus? Juggle the workload? Fit into the culture?… Read More ›

Future Ready Learning: Reimagining the Role of Technology in Education

This report, the National Education Technology Plan, sets a national vision and plan for learning enabled by technology through building on the work of leading education researchers; district, school, and higher education leaders; classroom teachers; developers; entrepreneurs; and nonprofit organizations. Our schools, community colleges, and universities should be incubators of exploration and invention. Educators should be… Read More ›

Bush Education Foundations Push to Expand ‘Competency-based’ Learning

This article, on former Gov. Jeb Bush’s education reform foundations, advocates for policies in Florida and nationally that would allow students to advance academically based on whether they’ve mastered content rather than on their age or grade. With guidance from the Jeb Bush-founded Foundation for Florida’s Future and, in some cases, support from outside private… Read More ›

The Intersection of Afterschool and Competency-based Learning: Emerging Trends, Policy Considerations, and Questions for the Future

This white paper explores the intersection and relationship between afterschool and competency-based learning, recommends ideal policy environments for implementing successful programs, provides real-world examples, and shines a spotlight on emerging trends for the future. Afterschool and competency-based learning are increasingly emerging as student-centered, supportive learning models to prepare students for college and career. Source Organization: American… Read More ›

Nellie Mae Education Foundation’s Personalized Learning Chat

The Nellie Mae Education Foundation is hosting a Twitter chat on Monday, February 1st from 7 pm – 8 pm EST to talk about student voice. You can join the chat simply by following and using the hashtag #PLearnChat. They will be tweeting questions with the hashtag and looking for your insights!

Teaching for Deeper Learning for All Students

The Alliance for Excellent Education (the Alliance) and the National Commission on Teaching and America’s Future (NCTAF) will be hosting their third webinar in a series designed to explore the conditions needed to support great teaching for deeper learning. The promising practices, recommendations, and lessons learned will inform a collective effort, led by NCTAF, around… Read More ›

“Are We Teaching STEM Wrong?” Highlights from Solve Talks at Google

On January 13th, I had the good fortune of attending the Solve Talk, “Are We Teaching STEM Wrong?” hosted by Google, Solve MIT, Kara Miller, and MassChallenge. The panel, moderated by Ms. Miller, included Arthur Levine, Woodrow Wilson Foundation, Chris Rogers, Tufts, and Tina Grotzer, Harvard Graduate School of Education. As many of these panels… Read More ›

Center on Reinventing Public Education

This organization is a research and policy analysis center at the University of Washington developing system-wide solutions for K–12 public education. The Center on Reinventing Public Education’s research and policy analysis is focused on the complex systemic challenges affecting public education. CRPE develops, tests, and supports evidence-based solutions to create new possibilities for the parents,… Read More ›

Smarter Schools Project

The organization was launched to highlight the exciting ways that schools and families are using technology to meet their needs. In the process, the Smarter Schools Project hopes to spark a conversation among parents, educators, and innovators about their hopes, concerns, and goals for technology in education. Source Organization: Smarter Schools Project View the Resource