10 Principles for Building a High-quality System of Assessments

The Ten Principles for Building a High-Quality System of Assessments, a collaborative effort led by Jobs for the Future (JFF), and endorsed by 19 organizations and experts from education, research, workforce, and policy fields, provides a comprehensive roadmap for school leaders to improve current assessments and systems, focus on equity, and develop a learner’s academic proficiency, career skills, and civic aptitude. Ten Principles… Read More ›

Student-centered Learning Reflects Science of Learning for All Youth

Originally posted in Youth Today My 6-year-old is obsessed with baseball stadiums. All summer his attention was captured by stadium history, especially for our local team the St. Louis Cardinals. Every day this summer, he constructed stadiums from magnet tiles and blocks. Before bed, he gave me tours of his elaborate structures and explained the… Read More ›

2018 Blended and Personalized Learning Conference

BPLC18 will convene educators, leaders, and innovators for three days of sharing, networking, and learning in Providence, RI. From Thursday, April 5 to Saturday, April 7 the Highlander Institute, the Christensen Institute, and the Learning Accelerator are showcasing the best classroom, school, and district implementers from across the nation at our 2018 Blended & Personalized Learning… Read More ›

Yale Education Leadership Conference

Each year, the Yale SOM Education Leadership Conference gathers over 750 education experts, practitioners, and leaders to discuss innovations in K-12 education reform. The theme of this year’s conference, Fostering the Ecosystem for Change, will ask participants to explore various approaches to promoting educational equality and creating lasting social change through education. Through panels, keynotes, and small group… Read More ›

Visioning Toolkit: Laying the Groundwork for a Community-Wide Vision for Personalized Learning

A district’s vision is central to everything they do and everything they hope to accomplish. If you really want to change the system, a vision must be created by and lived throughout your community.

In this toolkit you’ll find the following resources to help you begin and sustain the work of implementing personalized learning: Guidance on crafting a system-wide vision for personalized learning, incorporating diverse stakeholder voices Questions and considerations for finding the right people to champion the work of personalizing learning Direction on how to identify factors that may impact… Read More ›

Mindset Research Is Sound, That’s Not the Problem

Lisa Quay headshot

Originally posted on Education Week’s 10 Big Ideas column on January 10, 2018. My career has been motivated by two questions: What underlies opportunity gaps in educational outcomes? And how can we use empirical insights to help close them? My first attempt to use scientific evidence to improve educational practice was with a team of… Read More ›

Model Schools, Districts, Networks and States for Competency-Based Education

This article catalogues successful competency education models on many scales. It provides links to schools, both district-based and charter; districts; learning networks; and states implementing competency-based learning. The list of state’s implementing wider scale mastery-based systems include links to documents detailing lessons learned. Local and state education leaders, researchers, and policy-makers could use these lists… Read More ›

Webinar: Increasing Opportunities for Deeper Learning

On February 15, the Learning Policy Institute will launch a new webinar series, Achieving Equity Through Deeper Learning, that focuses on why deeper learning is crucial for students in today’s innovation economy and how we can achieve greater equity in access to deeper learning. The first webinar, Increasing Opportunities for Deeper Learning, will address ways… Read More ›

Civic Preparedness in an Era Characterized by its Discord More than its Dialogue

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Political discord is as old as politics. However, disagreement between people with different political perspectives has become entrenched, and often rancorous, in our era. Many choose only to listen to viewpoints similar to their own and opportunities for conversation across political differences are shrinking. Research indicates that people are (increasingly?) choosing a self-selection of news… Read More ›

Teaching with Technology

This report looks at how teachers are integrating new technology and tools into their classroom practice. It identifies common benefits and challenges in the collective experience of educators throughout the country. The report draws on a survey of teachers in 38 states, interviews with teachers and administrators, and school and classroom observations. This research included… Read More ›

The Six Secrets to More Successful Partnership Between Students and Teachers

Educators work on behalf of their students every day, but some of the richest learning opportunities arise when educators take it a step further and actually partner with students to address a local issue. Drawn from decades of experience studying and leading youth-adult partnerships, Students at the Center Distinguished Fellow Dana Mitra provides six secrets educators can… Read More ›

Research Collaborative Seminar: Reducing Inequities Through Competency-Based Education

JFF’s very own Stephanie Krauss discusses her recent paper for Lumina Foundation on how competency-based education may help reduce our nation’s toughest inequities. Check out the discussion over how competency-based education is working—or not working—for our underserved learners in college. This webinar is part of a series hosted by the Student-Centered Learning Research Collaborative which works to investigate, evaluate, and curate… Read More ›