Exploring the Impact of Personalized Learning on Student Outcomes

  We believe in the power of personalized, competency-based learning because we want each and every student to learn and be challenged as individuals. We believe it is the path toward equitable outcomes for ALL students. We intuitively understand that having clear learning targets, meaningful and flexible assessments, personalized student supports, and student ownership of their own… Read More ›

The Blogs You Loved from 2019

Throughout 2019, educators and researchers from across the country have shared blogs about their goals, passions, challenges and triumphs working towards building and sustaining equity-driven and student-centered practices in classrooms, schools and local communities. Here are some of your favorites: 1. The Mastery Collaborative Approach: Student Centered, Culturally Responsive, and Competency-Based “As a community, the… Read More ›

We’re Thankful for our Educators, Researchers and Funders

The end of November is always crunch time. Between finishing projects, producing research, educating students, fighting for social justice and planning for the holidays, it’s never quiet. Recognizing this reality makes the team at KnowledgeWorks’ Student-Centered Learning Research Collaborative especially grateful for our inspiring Distinguished Fellows, researchers and funders who came out to New York City to ask and answer some of the biggest questions about student-centered learning. We were lucky… Read More ›

Asking Big Questions

Driving home from grocery shopping the other day, my seven-year-old released a long, dramatic sigh and proceeded to tell me that, “Sometimes my head is just so tired by the end of the day because it’s spent all day thinking and asking questions. Like…What is a dream when you dream it? Can you stand flat in space?… Read More ›

Educator Professional Development Through Public Research Lesson Events

Lesson Study is a collaborative inquiry structure that can transform professional learning communities (PLCs) or discipline meetings into purposeful and engaging learning opportunities.

Have you been looking for an educator professional development structure that builds teacher leadership and inquiry capacity, develops robust content and pedagogical knowledge, and centers on deeply understanding student thinking? If so, we invite you to explore Lesson Study – a collaborative inquiry structure that can transform professional learning communities (PLCs) or discipline meetings into… Read More ›

iNACOL Symposium 2019: Shining a Light on the Future of Learning

The iNACOL national conference this year will be held on October 28-31, 2019, at the Palm Springs Convention Center in Palm Springs, California. At this event, experts, practitioners, educators, policymakers and researchers gather and work to transform education. This year’s theme is “Shining a Light on the Future of Learning” and we’ll be presenting alongside many… Read More ›

Student Voice-Transformative or Symbolic?

There is a fierce debate on how students should exercise their voice.

Francis is the student body president. She has a 4.3 GPA. She is enrolled in honors and AP classes and has gained early admission to Stanford University. She is a regular contributor to the school newspaper and a member of the varsity tennis team. She has also won two state championships in speech and debate.… Read More ›

Student-Centered Approaches to Equity, Empathy and Engagement in School

A former principal shares five tips for how his former school approached the challenge of prioritizing racial justice and educational equity in a predominantly White, middle class, rural high school.

How does a predominantly White, middle class, rural high school in Vermont prioritize racial justice and educational equity? Mike McRaith, former principal of Montpelier High School and current assistant executive director for the Vermont Principals’ Association, shares five tips for how his former school approached this challenge: Know thyself Do the homework Use data Interrupt… Read More ›

Transforming Research by Having Students Lead the Investigations

What voice is missing from these discussions? All too often, it’s the student voice. 

In the education world, well-intentioned adults often gather to discuss evidence-based instructional techniques they intend to implement to improve student outcomes. Educators, administrators, non-profit leaders, and policy officials huddle—sometimes together, sometimes separately—to consider best practices and greatest impact. They ask questions like “How can we reach all students? How can we prepare for them for… Read More ›