Students at the Center Newsletter – February 2013

Student-centered approaches are being discussed, implemented, and documented throughout the country. This month we bring you research and news items that touch on Students at the Center topics such as the strategic use of technology to customize education for all student populations, competency-based education, student-centered teaching, building supportive literacy communities, and the connection of brain… Read More ›

Students at the Center Newsletter – January 2013

Without an emphasis on personalization, motivation, and student voice, “NextGen” education reforms won’t be any more successful than their predecessors. This month we bring you a superintendent’s thoughts on creating a system of customized pathways across a district, and blogs and webinars on grit and student ownership of their education.   Subscribe to the Students… Read More ›

Who is in charge here? BDEA reflection on student ownership

It has been a busy year at Boston Day and Evening Academy (BDEA), and much of our focus has been directed to our third 5-year charter renewal—a crucial milestone in the life of a charter school. During the 3-day visit by BDEA’s re-charter team, a student panel was asked “Who is in charge here?” Our… Read More ›

Students at the Center Newsletter – December 2012

Without an emphasis on personalization, motivation, and student voice, “NextGen” education reforms won’t be any more successful than their predecessors. This month we bring you a superintendent’s thoughts on creating a system of customized pathways across a district, and blogs and webinars on grit and student ownership of their education. Access an online version of… Read More ›

Students at the Center Newsletter – November 2012

  Too often in education, we talk about what is best for students without actually speaking with the students themselves. One of the four student-centered approaches to learning as defined by Students at the Center is: “Embracing the learner’s experience and learning theory as the starting point of education”. Let’s remember to invite students through… Read More ›

Students at the Center Newsletter – October 2012

Discussions of student-centered learning strategies continue to permeate education conversations – and for good reason. To prepare our future as a nation in an increasingly global and fast-changing society, our educational system is needed to enable all students to learn, not just some. This month we bring you news, a new video from the spring… Read More ›

Studies Link Students’ Boredom to Stress

Education Week featured a fascinating piece on student motivation in their “Focus On” section. New Studies show that any stress or distraction takes up working memory and the ability to focus – which can contribute to what educators may misdiagnose as “boredom”.  For more research on Motivation, see Eric Toshalis and Michael Nakkula’s paper on… Read More ›

Students at the Center Newsletter – September 2012

With the momentum started at the Students at the Center symposium in spring 2012, and the priority Race to the Top places on student-centered learning strategies, we have a great opportunity to inform practice like never before. This newsletter will feature updates on the project, news, new research, and promising practices regarding student-centered learning strategies.… Read More ›

Brain Tutor 3D

BrainVoyager Brain Tutor is an award-winning educational program that teaches knowledge about the human brain the easy way. The program lets you interactively explore high-quality 3D head and brain models, which can be rotated, moved, zoomed and morphed in real-time. The head and brain models have been computed with BrainVoyager QX using data from magnetic… Read More ›

Youth Speaks

Committed to a critical, youth-centered pedagogy, Youth Speaks places young people in control of their intellectual and artistic development. Youth Speaks is urgently driven by the belief that literacy is a need, not a want, and that literacy comes in various forms. Visit the Resource →

What Kids Can Do, Inc.

What Kids Can Do (WKCD) is a national nonprofit founded in 2001 by an educator and a journalist with more than 60 years combined experience supporting adolescent learning in and out of school. Using digital, print, and broadcast media, WKCD presses before the broadest audience possible a dual message: the power of what young people… Read More ›

CHOICE Academy

CHOICE is a unique school of about 50 students in grades 7 through 12, offering core academics in a way that is very different from a traditional middle or high school. Students take math, science, language arts, and social studies here, but they earn elective credits and all their other graduation requirements outside their abbreviated… Read More ›