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2018 ASCD Conference on Educational Leadership – Champions for Equity

  • Nov 2 - 4, 2018
  • Nashville, TN

The 2018 ASCD Conference on Educational Leadership will offer a chance to learn from and celebrate educators who are leading the charge to ensure that every child is healthy, safe, engaged, supported and challenged. Participants in this conference can get the knowledge and tools to create an effective, supportive, and engaging learning environment for all students.

Some of the highlights for this conference will be:

  • Featured general session speakers Joshua Garcia, Baruti Kafele, and Victor Rios
  • Keynote luncheon with Robyn Jackson and Yvette Jackson
  • Choose from more than 40 sessions on topics including school climate, culture, social and emotional learning, student engagement and motivation, and underserved populations

Host Organization: ASCD

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