Empowering teachers to design their own SEL instruction makes sense; they know their students best. However, many SEL programs adopted by schools consist of scripted and sequenced curricula designed to be used in a weekly 30-minute block often led by a school counselor or designated SEL facilitator. These programs tend to be expensive, require significant training and ongoing support, and limit individual autonomy or choice.
This webinar will help participants imagine an alternative approach to SEL that is developmental, flexible, responsive to local needs and focused on strategies for teachers to implement as appropriate, rather than a sequenced curriculum for them to follow. In this edWebinar, Dr. Stephanie Jones will share three big ideas to consider for reimagining how SEL can happen in and outside of school.
This edWebinar will be of value to kindergarten through high school teachers, librarians, and school and district leaders. This free event will take place on Thursday, April 9, 2020 from 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm EDT. Registration is required.
Source Organization: EdWeb