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Ambitious Instruction: Towards Deeper Learning on a Larger Scale

  • Feb 9, 2016
  • Harvard Graduate School of Education

Educational reforms come and go from one decade to the next, but the everyday routines of classroom instruction hardly ever seem to change. Why have the culture and practice of teaching been so slow to evolve? What does the most ambitious, deeper teaching entail? And what it will take to scale up such instruction in schools and school systems? Please join us for a lively discussion of a pair of major new reports on the past, present, and future of teaching in the nation’s schools.

The discussion will run from 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, February 9th, followed immediately afterward by a networking reception.

Harvard Graduate School of Education
Gutman Library Conference Center
13 Appian Way
Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02138
