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Conceptualizing and Designing Work-Based Learning

  • Apr 26, 2017
  • Online

The Pathways to Prosperity Network is launching a three-part webinar series exploring work-based learning (WBL).  This national network brings together state and regional partners dedicated to connecting K-12 with employers to rethink the way we prepare students for career success. The first webinar in their WBL series will provide an introduction to work-based learning (WBL) and the benefits for young people and employers. The webinar will feature speakers Charlotte Cahill and Kyle Hartung. They will explore how Jobs for the Future‘s (JFF) principles for effective WBL can be used to guide the design of WBL that incorporates career awareness, exploration, and preparation and will highlight examples of high-quality WBL from across the network.

This free event will take place on Wednesday, April 26, from 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. EDT. Preregistration is required. Information about the other webinars in this series will be posted as it becomes available:

  • On the Ground: WBL Implementation will look at best practices for implementing high-quality WBL within several different regions.
  • Strategies for Supporting and Scaling WBL will address strategies for supporting and scaling WBL.

Source Organization: Jobs for the Future (JFF) and the Harvard Graduate School of Education

