Edcamp Georgetown 2020 Online is a professional learning opportunity sponsored by Georgetown ISD open to any educator from any school or district. The primary audience for Edcamp includes classroom teachers, campus and district administrators, librarians, instructional specialists, aspiring teachers, college instructors and professors, and other educators involved in PK-12 education.
An Edcamp is an “unconference” where participants recommend the topics they want to learn about just prior to the event. Anyone can suggest a topic for a session, and sessions can be about technology tools, instructional strategies, best practices, and more. Anyone in a session can share a tool, an idea, a tip, or their thoughts!
This free event will take place on July 28th from 9:30 AM – 1:30 PM (EDT). Participants will receive information about suggesting session topics and accessing the online event via email during the week prior to the event.
Source Organization: EdCamp Community