Engaging Student Resistance as Part of Your Internal Early Warning System

  • Jun 7, 2018

This webinar aims to assist educators, school leaders, and district officials in identifying and fixing classroom- and school-level practices that can provoke student resistance and contribute to chronic absenteeism. Some of the key learning outcomes from this webinar are:

  • Identify why a focus on student resistance will illuminate crucial factors that can influence chronic absenteeism
  • Recognize various classroom-level practices that educators and leaders should scrutinize as they develop their EWS
  • Pinpoint various school-level features that educators and leaders should scrutinize as they develop their EW

Eric Toshalis, Research Director of the Student-Centered Learning Research Collaborative, Jobs for the Future in collaboration with NASAESC will be presenting and leading this webinar to take place online on June 7, 2018, at 3 PM EST. Register here.

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