The school and business closures and shelter in place orders intended to slow the spread of Covid-19 have created an unprecedented new reality for education in our nation. Unfortunately and unsurprisingly, what this new reality looks like on the ground – in the homes of teachers, students and their families – varies widely but predictably, relative to existing disparities in status, technology, and wealth. Keeping all our students – and especially those furthest from advantage – engaged and on track will take community effort. High Schools utilizing college and career pathways are built around a collaborative, community-engaged core. But without the daily routines and structures of school and the workplace, how are pathway teachers, students, and partners reaching out and staying connected with one another?
In this webinar ConnectED will bring together pathways educators, support providers, and business and community partners sheltering in place across the nation to share resources and strategies as a whole group and in digital break-out rooms. Participants will work to identify what’s working well for digitally connected pathways students and problem-solve to meet the needs of students and families not well-served by distance learning.
This free webinar will take place on April 7th at 2:30pm EDT (11:30am PDT, 12:30pm MDT, 1:30pm CDT)
Series Description: Due to school closures resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic, ConnectED is offering a series of free online workshops aimed at supporting educators in developing virtual career education activities, integrated curriculum, and virtual work-based learning experiences for students.
Host Organization: ConnectED