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Fourth Industrial Revolution & the Impact on Education

  • Jan 16, 2018
  • Webinar

Presented by COSN

New technologies like artificial intelligence, 3D printing, and robotics are emerging with the potential for having a transformative impact on industry, the economy and society as a whole. The speed and scope of this technological transformation is exponential with the potential for unlimited possibilities and endless opportunities. What are the implications for schools, educators and students? How do we redefine career readiness and better prepare students for an uncertain future?

Valerie Truesdale, Chief of Technology, Personalization and Engagement, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools


  • Tom Vander Ark, CEO of Getting Smart and Author of Getting Smart: How Digital Learning is Changing the World
  • Dave Schuler, Superintendent, High School District 214
  • Jason Swanson, Director, Strategic Foresight, KnowledgeWorks

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