Empowerment is a philosophy of teaching and an approach to learning. School districts that have begun to shift their focus from engaging students to empowering them, and from differentiation to personalized learning, have seen a rise in test scores, motivation, attention, and self-confidence. In this edWebinar, Patti Drapeau shares practical, evidence-based practices that focus instruction on empowerment. She provides stories of real ways students have made a difference within their school and beyond, and delivers powerful messages about student voice, choice, and independence. Drapeau will present the results of a survey that indicates the differences between what students say empowers them and what teachers say empowers their students.
This edWebinar will benefit K–12 teachers, school and district leaders, coordinators, teacher leaders and specialists, and special and gifted education professionals. It will take place on Friday, May 1st at 2:00 p.m. EDT. Registration is required.
Host Organization: EdWeb