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ISTE 2018

  • Jun 24 - 27, 2018
  • Chicago, IL

The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Conference & Expo brings together educators and education leaders for a learner-centered educational technology conference. The annual event attracts over 16,000 attendees and industry representatives, including teachers, technology coordinators, administrators, library media specialists, teacher educators and policymakers. Particpants will engage in hands-on learning, exchange ideas and network with like-minded thinkers seeking to transform learning and teaching.

At ISTE 2018 participants will be able to personalize their learning and choose from over 1,000 opportunities to create their own unique professional development path that covers their interests. Sessions will include key-note presentations, interactive lectures, and hands-on opportunities to learn by doing.

Host Organization: International Society for Technology in Education

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