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Leading the Digital Learning Transition: Creating Future Ready Schools

  • Mar 1, 2015

This massive open online course for educators will help you:

  • Understand the potential of digital learning in K-12 schools;
  • Assess progress and set future goals for your school or district; and
  • Begin to develop a plan to achieve your digital learning goals.

The DLT MOOC-Ed is designed for school and district leaders, such as superintendents, principals, curriculum directors, technology directors, financial officers, instructional coaches, library media specialists, and lead teachers, as well as university faculty, consultants, parents and any others involved in planning and implementing K-12 digital learning initiatives.  Everyone involved in digital learning (also known as blended learning, e-learning and instructional technology) in a K-12 school or district is welcome to join the course.

There is no cost for participating in the DLT MOOC-Ed.

This course runs March – April 2015. The course will likely be offered again in summer or fall of 2015.

Learn more and register!
