Join the Northeast College and Career Readiness Research Alliance (NCCRA) for a researcher, practitioner, and policymaker discussion on competency-based learning in New England and beyond. Paul Leather, deputy commissioner of education for New Hampshire, will discuss the reform in his state and present a case study on the PACE pilot accountability program, which provides alternate routes for students to demonstrate measurable progress. A panel of researchers and practitioners will summarize new findings on competency-based learning and present state and local perspectives from Connecticut to Maine and Colorado.
Thursday, October 6, 2016
9:30 – 3:00 PM
Keynote Presenter
Paul Leather
Deputy Commissioner of Education, New Hampshire Department of Education
Erika Stump, PhD
Research Associate, Center for Education Policy, Applied Research, and Evaluation (CEPARE), University of Southern Maine
R. Marc Brodersen, PhD
Senior Researcher, REL Central at Marzano Research
Savatore Menzo, PhD
Superintendent of Schools, Wallingford Public Schools, Wallingford, Conn.
Aubrey Scheopner Torres, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Saint Anselm College; Research Consultant, REL Northeast & Islands
Jessica Brett
Facilitator, Northeast College and Career Readiness Research Alliance, REL Northeast & Islands
Joshua Cox
Researcher, Northeast College and Career Readiness Research Alliance, REL Northeast & Islands
Who Should Attend?
State and local education agency officials, district and school administrators, teacher leaders, researchers, and state-level policymakers interested in competency-based learning and its implications and outcomes.