This webinar will explore how the State Educational Technology Directors Association (SETDA)’s 2018 Student Voices Award Winner, St. Albans City School in Vermont, embraces technology tools to personalize instruction. Fourth to sixth grade students will discuss their STEAM classes and their use of the makerspace to explore their personal passions and artistic abilities. In addition, students will share how the school’s collaborative stewardship projects support the community.
Administrators, curriculum directors, and all educators will be interested in this event. Presenters include upper elementary school students, but educators of all grade-levels will come away with ideas and inspiration. Students are also invited to listen with their teacher. The event will take place on Wednesday, December 12, 2018 from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. EST. Registration is required. A recording will be available after the event.
Host Organization: Edweb