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White Folks Series

  • Jul 22 - Jun 24, 2020
  • Online

This two part webinar series is focused on strategies for engaging in racial equity conversations and actionable next steps.  It will be hosted in collaboration between Diversity Talks and a newly founded organization, PR(iSM) RESISTANCE COALITION  which specializes in redesigning systems, structures and policies from a diverse, equitable and inclusive lens. The hosts hope to provide a virtual space for internal reflection so that we can begin to move the conversation from what it means to be non-racist to one that is focused on being actively anti-racist.

Participants will explore the social construct of race and the impact of systemic racism by developing a common language around systems of injustice, and how these systems operate in the context of the United States. By identifying individual and collective privilege, participants will be able to redefine what they may have known racism to be thus far, and to co-create action steps for holding themselves and others accountable.

The first webinar White Folks (Part I): We Have to Talk About Race will take place on Jun 24, 2020 at 1:00 PM, EDT. It will last 90 minutes. Registration is required. The second part of the series White Folks (Part II): A Call to Action will take place on Jul 22, 2020 at 01:00 PM, EDT.


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