Teachers Know Best

This research project’s goal is to bring the perspectives of teachers to developers who are creating digital tools for the classroom. Moving from anecdotes of what digital instructional tools teachers want and need, to actual, solid data, will help us to better understand how teachers use digital technology in the classroom, and how these tools… Read More ›

5 Best Practices for Building a Competency-Based Education Program

This article explores how the business and education sectors are changing because of competency-based education. Competency-based education (CBE) continues to gain much-deserved credit and momentum in both sectors and it’s becoming increasingly clear that competencies are key to aligning education and training with actual business needs. Source Organization: Association for Talent Development  Visit the Resource

The Overwhelming Act of Assessing Writing in a CBE School

This article explores a writing workshop style that enhances a student’s writing experience and helps them to successfully go through the revision process and produce an even better piece of writing the next time around. Source Organization: Competency Works  Visit the Resource

After Common Core, States Set Rigorous Standards

This article is about how the state standards have improved the implementation of the Common Core. Despite widespread skepticism, the campaign to implement Common Core State Standards (otherwise known as Common Core) has achieved phenomenal success in state houses across the country. Since 2011, 45 states have raised their standards for student proficiency in reading… Read More ›

Getting Smart

This blog is a community for news, stories, and leadership on innovations in learning and teaching. Read, watch, and listen to thought-leading perspectives as The Getting Smart Blog features articles on K-12, higher education, and lifelong learning. With over 5,000 blogs, GettingSmart.com has maintained the belief that excellence and equity in education are the most important… Read More ›

Can a Truly Student-Centered Education Be Available to All?

The Big Picture Learning Network started with the Metropolitan Regional Career and Technical Center in Providence, Rhode Island, and has expanded to almost 100 schools around the world, with 55 in the U.S. alone. The majority of the U.S.-based schools are traditional in-district public schools, although about 25 percent are public charter schools. Many are located… Read More ›

Innovating Pedagogy 2015

This is the fourth in a series of yearly reports explores new forms of teaching, learning, and assessment for an interactive world, to guide teachers and policy makers in productive innovation. This fourth report, produced in collaboration with SRI International, proposes 10 innovations that are already in currency but have not yet had a profound influence on… Read More ›

Ambitious Instruction: Towards Deeper Learning on a Larger Scale

Educational reforms come and go from one decade to the next, but the everyday routines of classroom instruction hardly ever seem to change. Why have the culture and practice of teaching been so slow to evolve? What does the most ambitious, deeper teaching entail? And what it will take to scale up such instruction in… Read More ›

Teacher Development for Next Gen Learning

Join Next Gen Learning Challenges in a Twitterchat on teacher development to support next gen learning. Chat will take place February 11th from 7-8pm EST. Guests include: Nicole Assisi, Ed. D., CEO, Thrive Public Schools Sajan George, Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Matchbook Learning Beth Rabbit, Partner, The Learning Accelerator Juliana Finegan, Manager of Blended Learning Programs, Relay Graduate… Read More ›

Bush Education Foundations Push to Expand ‘Competency-based’ Learning

This article, on former Gov. Jeb Bush’s education reform foundations, advocates for policies in Florida and nationally that would allow students to advance academically based on whether they’ve mastered content rather than on their age or grade. With guidance from the Jeb Bush-founded Foundation for Florida’s Future and, in some cases, support from outside private… Read More ›

The Intersection of Afterschool and Competency-based Learning: Emerging Trends, Policy Considerations, and Questions for the Future

This white paper explores the intersection and relationship between afterschool and competency-based learning, recommends ideal policy environments for implementing successful programs, provides real-world examples, and shines a spotlight on emerging trends for the future. Afterschool and competency-based learning are increasingly emerging as student-centered, supportive learning models to prepare students for college and career. Source Organization: American… Read More ›

Teaching Differently in Competency-Based Schools

This is an excerpt from Bob Sornson’s book, Over-Tested and Under-Prepared: Using Competency Based Learning to Transform Our Schools which was released in December 2015. This excerpt is from the chapter on teaching differently, which explores learning to become a competency-based educator and the challenges most teachers will face. Instead of having one set of… Read More ›