Flipping the Classroom Explained

This video, while promotional, gives a high-level overview of “flipping the classroom,” is well-done and accessible. The video is helpful to those who are new to flipped learning. It could be shown to parents and students to explain the model. It could also be used as an introduction for interested teachers. Source Organization: Workday

Student Voices: Improving Education for All Learners, 2013

Produced by CAPSS, representing Connecticut’s superintendents, and CAS, representing Connecticut’s principals, and featuring interviews with winners of the 1st Annual Student Voices in Education Contest. Source Organization: CT NextEd VISIT THE RESOURCE

Student Voice Matters: Resources

To support organizations and districts interested in implementing student-voice policies such as constructive feedback or student involvement in teacher evaluation, Student Voice Matters has created a page of resources that includes: surveys on school climate; student-to-teacher constructive feedback form; student-to-administrator feedback form. Source Organization: Youth on Board Visit The Resource

Student Voice Matters

In 2013, Youth on Board and the Boston Student Advisory Council launched the We are the Ones in the Classroom – Ask Us! national campaign to involve students in providing feedback and evaluation to their teachers with the help of the W. K. Kellogg Foundation. This website includes project ideas and resources for increasing student… Read More ›

10 Expectations for a Student-Centered Learning Environment

This video provides 10 expectations for a student-centered learning environment. We hear often of the “high expectations” schools must have of and for their students, yet we seldom hear of the expectations students have of their schools. Students’ expectations constitute the new “rules of engagement” in the relationship that young people want with their schools.… Read More ›

Preparing for the Future: Employer Perspectives on Work Readiness Skills

The UMass Donahue Institute recently collaborated with the Massachusetts Business Alliance for Education (MBAE) on a project designed to inform educators and policy-makers about the work-readiness skills that employers expect of Massachusetts high school graduates, and to describe the skills and characteristics these corporations require for entry-level positions with potential for growth and advancement. Institute… Read More ›

Mentors that Matter

Who are the significant adults in the lives of teenagers, beyond the home and classroom? How do they reach out to youth, and why? In the first six months of 2007, youth across the nation gave their answers, as they interviewed, photographed, and publicly honored “Mentors That Matter” in four cities (Chicago, Providence, San Francisco,… Read More ›

Student Research for Action

From 2003 – 2006, What Kids Can Do provided competitive grants to high school students nationwide, inviting them to tackle important school and community issues. Here we provide a rich archive of this initiative. Student Research for Action sends several critical messages: that complex problem solving, independent judgment, and teamwork merit a place in every… Read More ›

The Schools We Need: Creating Small High Schools That Work For Us

What’s so different about a small high school, compared to a large one? When school leaders decide to create more small schools in their district, how do students experience the change in their everyday routines, as well as in their sense of power and possibility? In this publication-a joint effort of What Kids Can Do,… Read More ›

The Walmart Foundation’s 2011 Investment in Summer Youth Employment: Encouraging Results and Lessons Learned

In Spring 2011, the Walmart Foundation funded summer employment opportunities for youth in five cities – Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, New York, and Washington, DC. A team from the Center for Youth and Communities at Brandeis University’s Heller School visited all five sites, interviewing administrators, partners, and employers and observing program operations. This report summarizes… Read More ›

Creative Transitions Initiative

This report, on the Creative Transitions Initiative, demonstrated that arts programs, although very brief, can be valued by young people and DYS youth workers, and have the potential to produce an array of positive experiences and outcomes for young people in DYS facilities. In 2005, a statewide “ArtsInFusion” coalition was formed in Massachusetts to integrate the… Read More ›

New Teacher Survival Guide: Differentiating Instruction

This 13 minute video features a new chemistry teacher working with an expert in differentiated instruction to modify a lesson to meet the needs of the diverse learners in her classroom. She tries several strategies, including tiered word problems and group work, and discusses her successes and challenges. To facilitate sharing and self reflection,The Teaching… Read More ›