Nellie Mae Education Foundation’s Personalized Learning Chat

The Nellie Mae Education Foundation is hosting a Twitter chat on Monday, February 1st from 7 pm – 8 pm EST to talk about student voice. You can join the chat simply by following and using the hashtag #PLearnChat. They will be tweeting questions with the hashtag and looking for your insights!

“Are We Teaching STEM Wrong?” Highlights from Solve Talks at Google

On January 13th, I had the good fortune of attending the Solve Talk, “Are We Teaching STEM Wrong?” hosted by Google, Solve MIT, Kara Miller, and MassChallenge. The panel, moderated by Ms. Miller, included Arthur Levine, Woodrow Wilson Foundation, Chris Rogers, Tufts, and Tina Grotzer, Harvard Graduate School of Education. As many of these panels… Read More ›

Smarter Schools Project

The organization was launched to highlight the exciting ways that schools and families are using technology to meet their needs. In the process, the Smarter Schools Project hopes to spark a conversation among parents, educators, and innovators about their hopes, concerns, and goals for technology in education. Source Organization: Smarter Schools Project View the Resource

A Visit to YouthBuild Boston’s Designery

I was honored to attend YouthBuild Boston’s Designery Open House event in December. The Designery program provides a space for high school students from the Boston area, ages 14-18, to learn about urban architecture while experiencing several facets of what it means to be a professional in today’s working world. Students enroll in the program… Read More ›

2016 Student Technology Conference

The Student Technology Conference provides an international forum for the presentation, discussion and sharing of educational technology in schools and other academic settings. This conference, by students in grades 6-12 as well as colleges and universities and for all, is committed to fostering a better understanding of how students use technology in education, and to… Read More ›

Learn About BDEA From Our Students

This video takes a look at Boston Day and Evening Academy through the eyes of its students and teachers. Boston Day and Evening Academy was designed to serve students that are over age, have previously dropped out, or have not experienced success at other schools. The school is open 12 hours a day and over… Read More ›

Yale Education Leadership Conference: Defining Success–Understanding Our Aspirations for Students

The theme for the 2016 Education Leadership Conference is “Defining Success: Understanding Our Aspirations for Students.” For the last decade, the Yale School of Management Education Leadership Conference (ELC) has gathered teachers, parents, community members, school leaders, and politicians who have dedicated their lives and careers to students. While all of these leaders strive to… Read More ›

NESSC High School Redesign in Action

High School Redesign in Action is the New England Secondary School Consortium’s seventh annual conference for educators across the country to share success stories, exchange best practices, and continue to build momentum for innovations that will prepare all students for success in the colleges, careers, and communities of the 21st century. Thursday, March 17th-Friday, March… Read More ›

Education Commission of the States

This organization was created in 1965 for state policy makers to share education research and expertise with each other. Today Education Commission of the States (ECS) provides state policy makers advice and consultation on policy plans and proposed legislation, testimony at legislative hearings, policy research on any education topic, and connections to state leaders grappling… Read More ›

Our Path to Personalized Learning

This video, produced by Achieve Hartford!, on Our Piece of the Pie (O.P.P.)’s Path Academy in Windam, Connecticut gives the community an inside view of blended learning in action. Source Organization: Achieve Hartford!  

Students at the Center: TEDx Talk

This film, from Nellie Mae Education Foundation’s CEO Nick Donahue speech at TEDx Beacon Street, questions why our education system designed as if it’s 1915? Rather than a top-down, one-size-fits-all approach to education, schools need student-centered strategies to help learners reach their highest potential. Source Organization: Nellie Mae Education Foundation

Reflections on Student-Centered Learning Part 2—Educator Perspective

The International Association for K-12 Online Learning (iNACOL) hosted their annual Symposium in Orlando, FL in early November. Though I attended several thought-provoking and engaging sessions at the conference, those sessions that featured voices of the students and educators doing the hard and rewarding work to personalize learning stood out to me. I was struck… Read More ›