Civics Education and Student-Driven Civic Action

In this article a Washington DC government teacher shares her experience using action civics in her classroom. Action civics empowers students to become engaged around issues of relevance to them. In this school, students created an advocacy group to spark city-wide conversations around issues like violence, housing insecurity, and mental health. This story was written… Read More ›

Amplifying Student Voice

This website was designed to introduce educators to action civics. Action civics projects empower youth to become agents of change in their schools or communities. They learn to identify issues important to them and develop evidence-based arguments to influence public policy. This website is full of practical tools for school and community-based educators. Teachers can… Read More ›

Distinguished Fellow’s Leadership Produces Results

Principal Arria Coburn stands against wall

One of the Student-Centered Learning Research Collaborative’s six Distinguished Fellows, Arria Coburn, was recently featured on WBUR’s On Point program. Coburn is the Principal of the Springfield Renaissance School in Springfield, MA, which WBUR notes has “attracted national recognition for raising the achievement of students from low-income families and students of color.” Principal Coburn has led multiple efforts that have helped produce these amazing… Read More ›

Asking Big Questions

Driving home from grocery shopping the other day, my seven-year-old released a long, dramatic sigh and proceeded to tell me that, “Sometimes my head is just so tired by the end of the day because it’s spent all day thinking and asking questions. Like…What is a dream when you dream it? Can you stand flat in space?… Read More ›

Transforming Research by Having Students Lead the Investigations

What voice is missing from these discussions? All too often, it’s the student voice. 

In the education world, well-intentioned adults often gather to discuss evidence-based instructional techniques they intend to implement to improve student outcomes. Educators, administrators, non-profit leaders, and policy officials huddle—sometimes together, sometimes separately—to consider best practices and greatest impact. They ask questions like “How can we reach all students? How can we prepare for them for… Read More ›

Explore the Student-Centered Learning Continuum (SCL Continuum)

A student participating in hands on learning in the classroom.

The Nellie Mae Education Foundation, in partnership with the RAND Corporation, has been working hand in hand with teachers, school leaders, and researchers to develop a set of criteria that detail the characteristics of high-quality, student-centered learning in classrooms, schools, and districts — a Student-Centered Learning Continuum (SCL Continuum). This continuum represents a research-based definition of… Read More ›

The Digital Point of Divergence

This brief explores the differences between digitized and digital curriculum. Digitized content is barely altered from its original analog form, whereas digital curriculum uses technology to transform the content. This brief looks at how to leverage teacher humanity with high quality digital curriculum resources and systems for greater efficiency and effectiveness. This issue brief is… Read More ›

What Student-Centered Schools Look Like

This Education Week special report offers practical examples of student-centered strategies to help schools better meet the personal and academic needs of learners. Strategies highlighted include making classroom content more engaging; helping students forge bonds with each other; prioritizing students in the school’s professional development and discipline approaches; supporting students’ lifestyle needs including mealtimes, sleep, and… Read More ›

8 Ways Schools Can Form a Better Relationship With the Media

This article summarizes key takeaways for working with the media from a panel discussion at the TCEA 2019 conference. San Antonio. The panel, hosted by Chris Piehler of the public relations firm PR With Panache, featured EdSurge and other journalists from Texas. Panelists discussed how schools can effectively use the media to share their success stories. Media coverage… Read More ›

6 Lessons Our District Learned from Our Move to Blended Learning

This article provides very practical advice for districts beginning blended learning initiatives. It pulls from the experiences of Temple Independent School District (ISD) in TX. Staff from the district detail the lessons they learned as they rolled out the initiative after a smaller two year pilot in which 13 teachers learned to leverage technology to… Read More ›

Six Strategic Steps to Digital Learning Success

This practical article provides advice for school and district leaders looking to harness the power of digital learning. It includes six key tips to help leaders avoid pitfalls and ensure technology is used in a way that will support high quality student-centered learning. The authors place particular emphasis on keeping big picture goals in mind… Read More ›