Future Ready Schools

This organization is a comprehensive effort to maximize digital learning opportunities and help school districts move quickly toward preparing students for success in college, a career, and citizenship. Future Ready activities and resources offer districts the information they need to plan, implement, and connect with like-minded district leaders. Future Ready materials help ensure that local technology… Read More ›

Yale Education Leadership Conference: Defining Success–Understanding Our Aspirations for Students

The theme for the 2016 Education Leadership Conference is “Defining Success: Understanding Our Aspirations for Students.” For the last decade, the Yale School of Management Education Leadership Conference (ELC) has gathered teachers, parents, community members, school leaders, and politicians who have dedicated their lives and careers to students. While all of these leaders strive to… Read More ›

Education Commission of the States

This organization was created in 1965 for state policy makers to share education research and expertise with each other. Today Education Commission of the States (ECS) provides state policy makers advice and consultation on policy plans and proposed legislation, testimony at legislative hearings, policy research on any education topic, and connections to state leaders grappling… Read More ›

Students at the Center: TEDx Talk

This film, from Nellie Mae Education Foundation’s CEO Nick Donahue speech at TEDx Beacon Street, questions why our education system designed as if it’s 1915? Rather than a top-down, one-size-fits-all approach to education, schools need student-centered strategies to help learners reach their highest potential. Source Organization: Nellie Mae Education Foundation

Nellie Mae Education Foundation Statement on ESSA

  A statement from Nick Donohue, President & CEO Nellie Mae Education Foundation   President Obama signed the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) into law yesterday*. This response to No Child Left Behind (NCLB) – the 2002 rendition of the historic Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), which first passed in the civil rights-rich 60’s, was long… Read More ›

Partnership for Student Success: Providing Youth with Quality Programs Through the FY2013 Quality Enhancements in After School and Out of School Grant

This report documents the After School and Out of School Time (ASOST) Quality Enhancement Grant (line item 7061-9611) that provides high-quality expanded learning opportunities (ELOs) before school, after school, and during the summer months to students across the state of Massachusetts. Through this grant, public school districts, non-public schools, or community based organizations (CBOs) with… Read More ›

The Afterschool and Out-of-School Time Coordinating Council: A Report to the Governor, House and Senate Comittee on Ways and Means, and Joint Committee on Education

This report details the need for more coordination of state and federal funding streams and the implementation of comprehensive policies to support the gains that have been made in ASOST programming in Massachusetts. In particular, the report details the strategies laid out by the working groups established by the Coordinating Council. Established in 2012, the… Read More ›

The iNACOL State Policy Frameworks 2015: 5 Critical Issues to Transform K-12 Education

This policy brief from the International Association for K-12 Online Learning (iNACOL) provides concrete, actionable recommendations for state policymakers seeking to build competency education based on new learning models that allow personalization of instruction for each student. The iNACOL State Policy Frameworks covers five main issues: create competency-based education systems, improve student access and equity,… Read More ›

STEM in Afterschool and Summer Learning: Issue Brief

This issue brief explores the role of after school and summer programs in building skills and interest in STEM fields. While practices that support STEM skills during the school day are critical, students traditionally spend only 20% of their waking hours in school. Afterschool and summer programs can offer hands-on experiences, expose students to STEM… Read More ›

Advancing Competency-Based Pathways to College and Career Readiness

This state policy framework, focused on graduation requirements, assessment, and accountability, is designed to assist states in building a policy structure that contributes to statewide adoption and implementation of competency-based pathways (CBP) that support all students in reaching college and career readiness, as defined by the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). CBP can help all… Read More ›