Students at the Center Newsletter – March 2013

National, state, and local policy play an important role in opening the door to the implementation of student-centered learning approaches and ensuring that these practices improve student achievement. This month, we bring you a state policymakers guide to competency education, a mayor dedicated to student-centered approaches to learning, and a competency-based education endorsement from the… Read More ›

Students at the Center Newsletter – February 2013

Student-centered approaches are being discussed, implemented, and documented throughout the country. This month we bring you research and news items that touch on Students at the Center topics such as the strategic use of technology to customize education for all student populations, competency-based education, student-centered teaching, building supportive literacy communities, and the connection of brain… Read More ›

Students at the Center Newsletter – January 2013

Without an emphasis on personalization, motivation, and student voice, “NextGen” education reforms won’t be any more successful than their predecessors. This month we bring you a superintendent’s thoughts on creating a system of customized pathways across a district, and blogs and webinars on grit and student ownership of their education.   Subscribe to the Students… Read More ›

Students at the Center Newsletter – December 2012

Without an emphasis on personalization, motivation, and student voice, “NextGen” education reforms won’t be any more successful than their predecessors. This month we bring you a superintendent’s thoughts on creating a system of customized pathways across a district, and blogs and webinars on grit and student ownership of their education. Access an online version of… Read More ›

Students at the Center Newsletter – November 2012

  Too often in education, we talk about what is best for students without actually speaking with the students themselves. One of the four student-centered approaches to learning as defined by Students at the Center is: “Embracing the learner’s experience and learning theory as the starting point of education”. Let’s remember to invite students through… Read More ›

Students at the Center Newsletter – October 2012

Discussions of student-centered learning strategies continue to permeate education conversations – and for good reason. To prepare our future as a nation in an increasingly global and fast-changing society, our educational system is needed to enable all students to learn, not just some. This month we bring you news, a new video from the spring… Read More ›

Students at the Center Newsletter – September 2012

With the momentum started at the Students at the Center symposium in spring 2012, and the priority Race to the Top places on student-centered learning strategies, we have a great opportunity to inform practice like never before. This newsletter will feature updates on the project, news, new research, and promising practices regarding student-centered learning strategies.… Read More ›

Gardener Center for Youth and Communities

Mission The John W. Gardner Center for Youth and Their Communities (JGC) at Stanford University partners with communities to develop leadership, conduct research and effect change to improve the lives of youth. Principles Our work is rooted in the principles of community youth development: a community only prospers when its young people prosper, and young… Read More ›

The International Mind, Brain, and Education Society

The mission of the International Mind, Brain, and Education Society (IMBES) is to facilitate cross-cultural collaboration in biology, education and the cognitive and developmental sciences. Science and practice will benefit from rich, bi-directional interaction. As research contributes to usable knowledge for education, practice can help to define promising research directions and contribute to the refinement of… Read More ›

Forum for Youth Investment

The Forum for Youth Investment is a nonprofit, nonpartisan “action tank” dedicated to helping communities and the nation make sure all young people are Ready by 21®: ready for college, work and life. Informed by rigorous research and practical experience, the Forum forges innovative ideas, strategies and partners to strengthen solutions for young people and… Read More ›

A Nation at Risk: The Imperative for Educational Reform

A Nation at Risk: The Imperative for Educational Reform, A Report to the Nation and the Secretary of Education United States Department of Education, The National Commission on Excellence in Education, April 1983 A Nation at Risk: The Imperative For Educational Reform is the title of the 1983 report of American President Ronald Reagan‘s National Commission on Excellence… Read More ›

MDRC: Transforming the High School Experience

MDRC: Transforming the High School Experience MDRC was created to learn what works in social policy—and to make sure that the evidence we produce informs the design and implementation of policies and programs. Created in 1974 by the Ford Foundation and a group of federal agencies, MDRC is best known for mounting large-scale evaluations of… Read More ›