Serious Play Conference

The Serious Play Conference, now in its 8th year, is a leadership conference for professionals who embrace the idea that games can revolutionize learning. Speakers, who come from all parts of the globe, share their experience creating or using games in the corporation, classroom, healthcare institution, government and military and offer tips on how to… Read More ›

New Tech Network Conference

The New Tech Network annual conference will take place in St. Louis, MO. This conference will feature unique networking techniques such as Braindate, where participants can interact with attendants who have the same interests through a digital platform. This conference will feature various keynotes, special events, and sessions dedicated to transforming teaching and learning. Host… Read More ›

SETDA Leadership Summit 2018

The State Educational Technology Directors Association (SETDA) Leadership Summit brings state educational leaders to the Washington D.C. area for PD. Participants include leaders from more than 40 state departments of education, including leaders in educational technology, assessment, instructional materials and professional development, and SETDA’s Private Sector Partners. This event is designed to foster in-depth dialogue… Read More ›

ISTE 2018

The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Conference & Expo brings together educators and education leaders for a learner-centered educational technology conference. The annual event attracts over 16,000 attendees and industry representatives, including teachers, technology coordinators, administrators, library media specialists, teacher educators and policymakers. Particpants will engage in hands-on learning, exchange ideas and network… Read More ›

JFF HORIZONS: A Vision for Economic Advancement

Join Jobs for the Future (JFF) at their annual conference Horizons to take a deep dive into the future of work and learning. At this national summit, participants will generate solutions that will improve America’s education and talent development systems to meet the needs of the rapidly changing economy. Horizons is the new name of JFF’s national summit—it’s… Read More ›

Here’s What Happens When Every Student Gets a Personalized Learning Plan

This article was originally posted in EdSurge on April 19, 2018 High school sophomore Olivia Surdam thought she wanted to have a career in healthcare as a doctor or nurse, but after recognizing that her sensitive stomach would cause barriers for a career path in patient care, Surdam started considering other options with her advisory teacher.… Read More ›

From Vision to Reality: Personalized, Competency-Based Learning for All Kids

This report was written to help school districts take steps toward personalized, competency-based learning, and equip leaders with the following support to do this critical work. The report includes: Rationale for making the case for personalized, competency-based learning, including what it means and resources to support conversations in a learning community Guidance on crafting a… Read More ›

Performance Assessment Resource Bank

The Performance Assessment Resource Bank works to help states integrate performance assessments into their systems of assessment, develop the capacity of educators to effectively use performance assessment, and design policies to support these efforts. Their website features a large database that will be of interest to both educators and state leaders. Resources include: Over 500 K-12 performance… Read More ›

Principals Tackle Classroom Tech Challenges

This webinar offers a look at what principals and other school leaders think of the power of digital technology in the classroom. An Education Week national survey of 500 school leaders showed that they believe it has the ability to improve student learning, personalize education, and engage students. Yet some educators and principals have expressed… Read More ›

Education Week ESSA Virtual Summit 2018

This is a free online event; the Every Student Succeeds Act finally becomes a classroom reality this fall, putting more authority—and on-the-ground responsibility—in the hands of district leaders, school-level educators, and state policymakers. Education Week will offer participants a big-picture look at how prepared states, districts, and schools are to meet the challenges of the new… Read More ›

Personalized Learning Summit 2018

This event is a three-day in-person event full of professional development opportunities, dynamic and engaging sessions, networking events, inspiring and insightful keynotes, and tours of some of the most innovative companies in the San Francisco Bay Area. The 4th annual Personalized Learning Summit will bring together 750 innovative district leaders on May 2-4, 2018. These leaders will… Read More ›