Educators Tackle Tough Conversations about Race and Violence – This Time Virtually

This article discusses the importance of discussing current events with students. It presents examples of the many different ways that educators around the country are tackling tough conversations with their students about current events and systemic racism while students are participating in remote learning. Source Organization: Chalk Beat Visit the Resource

Coming Out Stronger and Successful: From Remote Learning to New Hybrid Models


Schools and systems have been forced to rapidly respond to the closures of physical spaces and the introduction of remote-learning at scale. This webinar will explore the transition at scale of the Fresno Unified School District (FUSD), the fourth largest in California, and the conditions FUSD had in place beforehand which reduced disruption and positioned… Read More ›

Conference of Conversations


This virtual conference will encourage real talk about real decisions facing school leaders today. It will prioritize topics and experiences over thought leaders or presumed experts in the field. The Modern Learners Community strives to create a culture of contribution where all voices are honored and respected. They feel through member contributions, greater perspective is… Read More ›

Three Ways to Scale Student-Centered Reforms in Your System

Since 2014, New Hampshire educators can meet academic accountability requirements through a statewide Performance Assessment for Competency-based Education (PACE) system. Aimed at capturing a more authentic assessment of content knowledge, educators have developed and scored performance tasks with levels of reliability and validity comparable to state level standardized tests. As part of a William and… Read More ›

Safeguarding Back to School


In this edWebinar, Safeguarding Back to School: Principles to Guide a Healthy Opening to Classrooms During COVID-19, leaders of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and Brooklyn Laboratory Charter Schools (LAB), in New York City, will discuss key questions to consider as schools plan for next fall. While some challenges remain outside of the purview… Read More ›

Racial Equity Tools

Racial Equity Tools is designed to support individuals and groups working to achieve racial equity. This site offers tools, research, tips, curricula and ideas for people who want to increase their own understanding and to help those working toward justice at every level – in systems, organizations, communities and the culture at large. The resources… Read More ›

Measuring and Improving Student-Centered Learning Toolkit

The Measuring and Improving Student-Centered Learning (MISCL) Toolkit is designed to help school practitioners or other stakeholders measure, understand and reflect upon the extent of student-centered learning (SCL) in high schools. It enables data collection on SCL through surveys and other measures and from a range of participants, including district and school leaders, instructional staff… Read More ›

What Will Schools Do in the Fall? Here Are 4 Possible Scenarios

This article discusses the ways in which schools might deliver instruction in the fall of 2020 after school closures. This clear article outlines four possible scenarios for instruction that include varying mixes of in-person and distance learning.  This article is a good read for educators as well as parents or members of the community interested… Read More ›

How to Foster a Positive School Climate in a Virtual World

This article discusses the importance of creating a positive school climate, especially during distance learning. The author details ways to improve culture in four main areas: physical and emotional safety, respect for diversity and equity, relationships, supportive teaching practices and sense of community. This article will be helpful to leaders of schools serving any age… Read More ›

A Plan to Safely Reopen America’s Schools and Communities

This detailed “Plan to Safely Reopen America’s Schools and Communities” was designed to help communities chart a path to safely and responsibly reopen school buildings and other institutions. It features five core pillars based on science as well as educator and healthcare expertise. The document shows how to effectively respond to the crisis, especially emphasizing… Read More ›

Relationships Check

The Relationships Check is a tool to spark self-reflection and conversation among peers and within families. During social distancing, it can be hard to maintain deep relationships with young people. However, meaningful relationships with caring adults are critical to children’s wellbeing during this time. Parents, community partners, educators, or anyone working with youth, can take… Read More ›

Disrupting Inequity: Having Brave Conversations About Bias

This toolkit was designed to help school communities have facilitated conversations about race, bias and prejudice. It features three 90-120 minute facilitated sessions. Sessions are centered around a reading or video with follow-up conversation. Sessions include: Understanding Bias Historical Perspective About Race in America How Does Bias Manifest in Our School? The kit includes a… Read More ›