Working Together to Make Meaningful Parent Engagement

The goal of this webinar was to think through the roles of different education stakeholders in developing opportunities for parents from historically marginalized communities to meaningfully engage in school reform. Using her new book, A Cord of Three Strands, as a framework, Dr. Soo Hong from Wellesley College presented a new approach to parent engagement in… Read More ›

What if the students were teachers?

Youth in Action, a community-based, student-centered non-profit in Providence, Rhode Island, organized an event with pre-service teachers where students acted as “teachers” in a traditional sense – setting up arbitrary rules that were meant to stifled learning and collaborating. The participants then discuss their experience and what they learned. The Marshmallow Towers from Next Generation… Read More ›

Student-Centered Learning Environments: How and Why

An educator’s role is changing from the traditional “imparter of knowledge” to that of coach and consultant. Do-it-yourself, student-to-student teaching, project-based learning, and student-centered learning environments are some of the more encouraging programs that promote this idea. This resource page from Edutopia offers a list of resources and posts about these methodologies. Source Organization: Edutopia… Read More ›

Maine Department of Education

This website, Maine’s Department of Education, provides information about the state’s vision, goals, and core priorities. Maine’s website is well-organized and provides education information for a number of different audiences. It is worth taking a look at if you are interested in learning more about how a state might support a student-centered education system. Source… Read More ›

Maine Department of Education Youtube channel

A curated set of videos showcasing what education looks like in Maine. Featured videos include: A Teacher’s Perspective: Unpacking the Standards; History Day: School-wide Performance Assessment; Student Choice & Voice: At Their Own Pace. Videos cut across K-12, but many of the videos tend to be set in elementary and middle school. See a sample… Read More ›

Council of Chief State School Officers: Innovation Lab Network

The Innovation Lab Network (ILN) is a group of states taking action to identify, test, and implement student-centered approaches to learning that will transform our public education system. The goal of the ILN is to spur system-level change by scaling locally-led innovation to widespread implementation, both within and across states, with a constant focus on… Read More ›


This system was developed to help educators continually improve instructional quality and school improvement. iWalkthrough is a collaborative, education technology-driven system for collecting and analyzing data on school-wide practices that is opening new frontiers in data-informed self-analysis and comprehensive professional development for schools. The system provides a wealth of information for educators, helping them strengthen… Read More ›

TEDEd: Lessons Worth Sharing

Use engaging videos to create customized lessons, one can adapt and edit any lesson featured on TED-Ed, or create lessons from scratch around any YouTube video. Watch the video to learn how. Source Organization: TEDEd VISIT THE RESOURCE

Making Writing Essential to Teens Lives

This guide on teen-writing includes interviews with inspiring teachers, tips, and a diverse collection of student writing projects from across the country-all with a public audience in mind. The guide also includes resources for teaching writing in a student-centered way. Source Organization: What Kids Can Do VISIT THE RESOURCE

A Guide to Creating Teen-Adult Conversations in Your Community

This guide, from What Kids Can Do, is filled with sample panel discussions, interactive exercises, handouts, tips, resources, and readings to enable and empower communities interested in hosting public events/occasions where adults and young people can find common ground. Source Organization: What Kids Can Do and MetLife Foundation Visit the Resource