Coronavirus School Closures: An Educational Opportunity

This op-ed looks at the importance of self-directed play and exploration in the lives of children. Peter Gray, Co-Founder of the Let it Grow organization, draws on decades of research on self-directed learning in which young people do not attend a curriculum-based school but are homeschooled by the method commonly called unschooling. The author points… Read More ›

Creative Connections While Apart

This article for parents looks at the importance of helping kids maintain connections and relationships while social distancing due to COVID-19. It suggests many creative ways to help your children stay connected to their friends, relatives, schools and communities. Parents of kids of any age can use some of these tips right away. Source Organization:… Read More ›

Social Responsibility Begins Here

This article explores the ways in which families can teach their children about social responsibility during the pandemic. The author draws on research conducted by the Roots of Engaged Citizenship Project which shows that families reinforce important civic lessons by the way they communicate current events, model behaviors, challenge their kids to ask questions about… Read More ›

7 Guiding Principles for Parents Teaching From Home

To help parents taking on new roles as their children’s teachers during remote learning, this article introduces some basic teaching concepts grounded in research and science. The author reminds parents that teaching is more than just sharing content. The article includes advice to help parents create a productive workspace and routine for their family as… Read More ›

Educating All Learners Resource Database

This database was created to help schools ensure the continuity of special education services during remote instruction and to spotlight best practices for schools and educators. The site was created by an alliance of national education organizations committed to the success of students with disabilities. The database includes lists of tools, tricks and resources for… Read More ›

Supporting LGBTQ+ Students During and After School Closures

During school closures, some LGBTQ+ students may be even more vulnerable. In this article, Kimm Topping, an educator and consultant for the Safe Schools Program in Massachusetts, offers practical suggestions to support LGBTQ+ students at home. It also explores how to continue this support once schools reopen. This article offers advice that will be relevant… Read More ›

10 Questions for Equity Advocates to Ask About Distance Learning

This report from Digital Promise and Education Trust explores the biggest equity challenges that districts face from school closures due to COVID-19. The report outlines each of 10 challenges and offers suggestions to address them. The report discusses challenges related to continued online learning that may occur through the summer and into the next school… Read More ›

What COVID-19 Could Mean for the Future of Learning


This informal conversation, hosted by Knowledge Works, will explore future tensions and uncertainties arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. This moment of crisis invites educators to stretch their thinking and challenge assumptions about how education might be reshaped to serve every learner. KnowledgeWorks futurists Katie King, Katherine Prince, Maria Romero and Jason Swanson will chat about… Read More ›

An Introduction to K-12 Competency-Based Education


On Tuesday, May 12, 2020, from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. ET, the Aurora Institute will host a webinar to introduce participants to competency-based education. Competency-based education transforms the culture, structure, and pedagogy of schools and districts to ensure that all students develop the skills they will need for success in college, career, and life.… Read More ›