From Maverick to Mainstream: Takeaways from the 2017 Blended and Personalized Learning Conference

This report synthesizes data gathered from education leaders who attended the 2017 Blended and Personalized Learning Conference. It details 9 lessons learned from educators and leaders in the midst of implementing personalized learning, master-based learning, and other student-centered approaches. They are divided into suggestions for innovation and ways to scale up.  Suggestions include: moving slowly… Read More ›

CoSN Empowered Superintendents Resources

Through the Empowered Superintendents initiative, The Consortium for School Networking (CoSN) collaborates with superintendents to assess their challenges and increase their capacities to lead technology efforts to support student learning. The Superintendents Toolkit  is a guide to support leadership in the digital age. It includes two modules, one which examines 5 key roles superintendents must address to… Read More ›

Student-Centered Learning Course Syllabus

Newsflash: Teachers are learners! Yet, the strategies we use to help teachers innovate their practices often get in the way of learning. It’s as if we’re still operating according to the old, tired adage: “Do as I say, not as I do.” To optimize teacher learning and magnify educators’ impact in the classroom, we need to start with the… Read More ›

EdTechTeacher Summits

The EdTechTeacher Summits are learning experiences that highlight practical edtech strategies for the classroom and bring together thought leaders to explore what is next in education and edtech. The summit will cover iPads and Chromebooks, project based learning, gamification, virtual reality and coding. Participants will learn, connect, and share as part of one of three… Read More ›

Research Collaborative Seminar: Student-Centered Learning and Reorganizing Education Time

Marisa Saunders and Research Collaborative advisor Jorge Ruiz de Velasco, editors of “Learning Time: in Pursuit of Educational Equity” (Harvard Education Press, 2017), explore the intersections of student-centered learning and expanded learning opportunities. Learn more from this exciting discussion on how education time can be expanded, reimagined, and reorganized as a resource for student-centered learning… Read More ›

Why Relationships Matter for Urban Students’ Engagement

This post is a follow-up to “Do I Have a Voice? Student Ownership Drives Engagement Among Urban Youth.” We all want to feel connected to and accepted by others. Research shows that positive relationships with adults in school have motivational and academic benefits for students. Nevertheless, researchers and practitioners both tend to emphasize academic and… Read More ›

Guide for Creating Trusted Learning Environments

The following guidebook was designed to help communities create positive and safe learning environments for students inside and outside of school, on and off-line. The classroom is moving beyond a physical space to include learning networks enabled by technologies. These environments should advance learning and foster innovation without sacrificing the safety of the learner. To achieve this,… Read More ›

How one Chicago high school turned the corner using full-time internships

This article highlights the intensive internship program at Chicago Technology Academy. The school, which serves predominantly minority students from low-income families, has committed to month-long, full-time internships for all seniors as part of its turnaround efforts focused on project-based learning. The article discusses the academic and social emotional benefits to students who can build confidence,… Read More ›

The Massachusetts Personalized Learning Edtech Consortium (MAPLE)

The Massachusetts Personalized Learning Edtech Consortium (MAPLE) is an initiative of the LearnLaunch Institute and the Massachusetts Department of of Elementary & Secondary Education. This public-private partnership was launched to encourage exchange between peers and increase implementation of student-centered learning tactics and tools in schools across the state. The program has brought together 15 “catalyst… Read More ›

Charting the Course for the Next Phase of K-12 Competency-Based Education

This webinar will discuss the recent iNACOL report on competency education, Quality and Equity by Design: Charting the Course for the Next Phase of K-12 Competency-Based Education. The report examines four key issues in the field  which must be considered to continue to scale up competency education efforts with quality and sustain them over time:… Read More ›

How Can We Abolish the Phrase “I’m Just Not a Math Person”?

This blog was originally posted on June 13, 2017 in Education Week’s Learning Deeply Blog Four teachers gather around a laptop to watch videos of their students working in groups to solve math problems. Using a protocol to guide their discussion, they pause the videos at opportune moments and practice providing strategic feedback. Their goal:… Read More ›