Get Recognized for Advancing Digital Teaching and Citizenship

This webinar presented by Louisa Sullivan, Senior Community Strategist at  Common Sense Education, will provide an overview of the Common Sense Recognition Program. Common Sense Education supports educators working to teach students to be safe, responsible, and respectful as they participate in the digital world. Their recognition program is designed to recognize good teacher practice and… Read More ›

Helping English Language Learners Meet their Full Potential

The United States has always been, and continues to be, a nation of immigrants. These immigrants are not only raising our youth, but in many cases they are our youth. And they bring important skills with them. But when it comes to educating students for whom English is not primarily spoken at home (English Language… Read More ›

Using Needs Assessments to Drive School and District Improvement

This guide describes the core components for developing and administering needs assessments, a critical step to guide any school or district improvement process. It includes information on Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requirements, as well as planning and designing a needs assessment with accompanying worksheets. The guide ends with a list of questions to be… Read More ›

How to Integrate Growth Mindset Messages Into Every Part of Math Class

This article discusses the research around teaching and learning mathematics conducted by Catherine Good, a professor who studies social psychology and growth mindset. Good found that growth mindset—the idea that one can improve understanding and performance by building neural pathways through repeated work—is especially important for students studying math. Teaching growth mindset may protect against stereotype threat—the perception… Read More ›

iNACOL Symposium 2017

The International Association for K-12 Online Learning’s (iNACOL) annual conference focuses on competency-based, blended and online learning for grades K-12 and brings together experts, practitioners, educators, policymakers, and researchers. The symposium includes more than 200 sessions, each with a specific track to guide attendees toward sessions that fit their unique professional learning needs. Additionally, the… Read More ›

EdSurge Fusion Conference

This conference brings together education leaders, thinkers, researchers and technologists who are putting personalized learning into practice. The event features unique conference strands centered on Vision, Research, Implementation, and Evidence; as well as facilitated cohorts engineered to strengthen education leader network connections across the country. Attendees will build professional relationships with peers, gain knowledge to… Read More ›

ASCD Conference on Educational Leadership

The yearly Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) Educational Leadership Conference brings together education leaders from around the country. This year’s event will focus on instructional leadership, leveraging resources, and leading and supporting students and adults. The conference will feature several keynote speeches and a variety of sessions on topics such as: Supporting Instructional Leaders… Read More ›

Building Competencies for Careers: Preparing Students for Twenty-First-Century Jobs

Truly innovative schools teach students how to apply content knowledge learned in the classroom to real-world situations while helping them develop the critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and other deeper learning skills that today’s jobs demand. This webinar, co-hosted by the Alliance for Excellent Education, Center on Education Policy (CEP), and Council for a Strong America,… Read More ›

Fire Up Your Class With Student-Interest Surveys

This practical article gives advice on how to keep content fresh and relevant and nurture student voice in the classroom. The author, an experienced teacher, suggests that the best way to stay up to date with students’ interests and motivations is to ask students and ask them often. To gather feedback, she suggests free online… Read More ›

Culturally Responsive Positive Behavioral Support Matters

This report, developed by Equity Alliance, discusses ways to make the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) model more culturally responsive.  In contrast to punitive disciplinary models, PBIS uses prevention, data-based decisions making, and research-based interventions to nurture positive student and adult behaviors. Race-based disparities in discipline and behavioral outcomes is a continuous issue in schools… Read More ›

Facing History and Ourselves

Facing History and Ourselves’s shares innovative approaches to civics, social studies, humanities, and language arts education, designed to increase student engagement and achievement while teaching students about bigotry and hatred. The educator resources database includes lesson and unit plans, collections of primary source documents and images, and multimedia resources on topics such as: Race in… Read More ›

2017 Youth Leadership Institute

The Youth Leadership Institute is an annual gathering of Nellie Mae Education Foundation’s grantees who are committed to the central importance of youth leadership, voice, and organizing in building system-level change in education that is both student-centered and grounded in equity. The Youth Leadership Institute seeks to support participants to lead for systems change by:… Read More ›