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BPS Family Learning Guides

By Boston Public Schools
January 8, 2016

These guides provide detailed descriptions of what children should know and be able to do by the end of the school year in English language arts, social studies, science, and math. They also include subject-specific activities to extend learning at home.There is a specific guide for kindergarten through grade eight, and all are available for download in seven languages. Each guide includes specific questions to ask teachers and ideas to start conversations about learning with children at home. The guides are based on Massachusetts (MA) standards and so are relevant for families of any student living in MA.

The Family Guides to Learning were created by Boston Public Schools to help parents and caregivers discuss their child’s learning with their teachers and to support continued success at home. MA teachers might also use the guides to engage families in conversations about student learning. The guides could also serve as models for other school districts interested in creating similar tools for families.

Source Organization: Boston Public Schools

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