Can Blended Learning Improve Equity in One of Nation’s Most Diverse Districts?

By Jen Curtis
February 14, 2017

This article details the shift of New Jersey’s Morris School District (MSD) to a blended-learning model in an effort to meet diverse student needs. MSD hopes to increase gains for student populations, such as English Language Learners (ELLs) and low-income students, which continue to see slower growth despite overall district improvement.  So far, the district has found results at the elementary school level promising especially for African-American, Hispanic and low-income students; while improvement at the middle and high school level for students of color and ELLs is harder to see.

Using technology as a means to bridge some of these achievement gaps shows some encouraging results and potential for more long-term success in MSD.  The short case study presented in this article may be useful to illustrate blended learning in action and can be a guide or cautionary tale in implementation.

Source Organization: EdSurge

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