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Center on Technology and Disability

By Center on Technology and Disability
October 31, 2018

The Center on Technology and Disability (CTD), funded by the U.S. Department of Education, is designed to increase the capacity of families and providers to advocate for, acquire, and implement effective assistive and instructional technology (AT/IT) practices, devices, and services. These technologies have the potential to help youth with disabilities better access the general educational curriculum, improve their functional outcomes and educational results,  and meet college- and career-ready standards.

The CTD website features free professional development and informational resources, including:

  • a Library of multi-media resources, many available in multiple languages including Spanish and Hmong;
  • an online Discussion Café with topical and audience-specific discussions; and
  • a Learning Center with structured learning modules, short-term and long-term PPD events, and technical assistance tools and strategies.

State and local leaders, educators, families, and service providers can access relevant information on assistive technologies through customized portals which feature articles, recorded webinars, online modules, and other resources that will be of specific interest to each audience. Note that users must register to participate in the online discussion Cafe and Learning Center events.

Source Organization: Center on Technology and Disability

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