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Competency Works Series on Mastery Based Education in Idaho

By Chris Sturgis Katherine Casey
October 17, 2018

This series of ten articles looks at how mastery-based education is being rolled out in the state of Idaho. The Staff from Competency Works visited seven schools in four districts, all changing from rural to more suburban communities. All the schools visited are are in the early stages of implementation, but have made much progress. These articles provide a snapshot of a state’s efforts. Of particular interest are the article introducing the actions taken by the state as it rolls out Idaho House Bill 110, which calls to move Idaho towards a mastery-based system, and the article discussing the shift at a large comprehensive high school.

This series will be of interest to educators, researchers, policy-makers, and other education leaders. It offers a complex look at a state’s early progress in the move to competency education, including many examples of successes and lessons learned.

Source Organization: Competency Works

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