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Designing New School Models: A Practical Guide

By Springpoint
January 18, 2017

This school design guide, written by Springpoint, a group of school design experts, outlines a student-centered approach to designing innovative school models where students can be active agents in their own development. The guide was compiled from best practices gathered over four years while working with districts, networks, and charter management organizations around the country to design and launch new high schools. It includes three phases to help schools explore, design, and build a new model. The guide is intended to help schools through a structured, student-centered design process grounded in the needs of young people and their communities. Each section is built around a big picture question for a school’s design team and includes suggested activities and tools that Springpoint used with their partner schools.

This design guide provides a practical starting place for any educator, practitioner, or community member who wants to develop thoughtful, new school models.

Source Organization: Springpoint

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