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EdNews Round-up: Education under a New Administration (Plus Civic Education Resources)

By The Students at the Center Hub Team
November 11, 2016

America woke up on Wednesday morning to a new President-elect, and an acknowledgement of a deeply divided country. During the next four years (and beyond), Students at the Center will continue to promote an approach to teaching and learning that supports an education system that values, respects, connects, challenges, inspires, and engages ALL students, especially those students who are underserved, including those who are low-income and/or minorities.

Many in the education field are wondering: What will a Trump Administration mean for education? We gathered a few articles/opinions from various education media outlets that consider this question with insights and possible answers. (Please note: this is a non-exhaustive list of articles. Let us know if we’ve missed one you found informative and thought-provoking.) Additionally, we included a list of education resources for students, educators, and families to learn more about, and reflect on, our electoral process and civics in general.

We invite you to read, reflect, learn, and look towards the future!

Opinions/Articles (released 11.9-11.13):

The Atlantic: Donald Trump and the Future of Education

Fordham Institute: Now What?

EducationNext: How will a Trump Presidency Impact Education Innovation?

Edsurge: What EdSurge Has Learned

EdWeek: Trump Set to Shift Gears on Civil Rights, ESSA, Says K-12 Transition-Team Leader

Washington Post: What a Trump Presidency Means for America’s Public Schools

The 74: Candidate Trump Talked Tough on Crime. Does that Signal an End to School Discipline Reform?


Civics Education and Deeper Learning (research paper)

Election 2016: Lesson Plans and Digital Resources for Educators (blog post; guide to tools/resources)

Facing History and Ourselves (resources/tools for democracy and civic engagement)

iCivics (a robust website focused on increasing civic knowledge and engagement)

Newsela (content, activities, mini-lessons about current events by grade level/reading standards)

Teaching Civic Engagement in the Digital Age (video)

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