Schoolwide social and emotional learning (SEL) engages the entire school community in creating caring, motivating, and equitable learning environments that promote social, emotional, and academic growth. This guide developed by the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) leads school-based teams through a process for systemic SEL implementation. The well organized toolkit moves through the steps of planning, including building a shared vision and creating a plan; implementation, including increasing SEL for adults as well as students; and continuous improvement. The kit includes an overview of all the proposed activities as well as the resources needed to complete them, such as sample presentations, shared reading lists, and other tools. It also features a rubric to track progress.
The process outlined in this toolkit can be used by a team at any school to coordinate and build on existing initiatives to infuse SEL into all parts of student and adult learning at the school.
Source Organization: CASEL