This post is part of a series of posts related to the 2015 report, Implementing Competency Education in K-12 Systems: Insights from Local Leaders, which looks at implementation strategies districts are using to convert traditional education systems into environments for dynamic personalized learning. This post looks at the need for superintendents and principals to develop collaborative leadership and management styles in order to empower a culture of learning within their education communities. This is a key component in the shift towards competency education. This type of change requires a large commitment to personal growth. The author notes this may include extensive study, soliciting feedback and reflections on their leadership, engaging in dialogue with peers and colleagues, and even seeking out coaching. The article discusses in detail three aspects of leadership: the call for a distributed leadership style, the role of a culture of learning, and empowering others.
This detailed article will be of interest to school and district leaders working to create learner-centered, empowering environments for their staff. It may also be relevant for state and district leaders looking to support school administrators professional development needs.
Source Organization: CompetencyWorks