KQED Teach Online Courses

By KQED Teach
June 6, 2017

KQED Teach offers free online courses on a variety of digital products and tools that can be used to enhance learning. The courses begin with Foundations in Media which introduces the key digital media literacy concepts. Subsequent courses focus on one digital tool or product with overview modules/lessons, which should take between two and three hours to complete, as well as modules to share lessons learned after using the tool in the classroom.  The courses available are:

  • Media Foundations
  • Making Digital Comics
  • Interactive Timelines
  • Digital Annotation with Hypothes.is
  • Making Interactive Maps
  • Communicating with Photography
  • Making Infographics
  • Video Storytelling Essentials
  • Taking Charge of Social Media
  • Podcasting with Youth Radio

Educators and student support staff might use the production skills learned from these courses to design their own digital content for lessons. These skills may also support students’ use of digital mediums to communicate what they have learned. Before jumping in, educators may want to complete the Getting Started course which offers an introduction to KQED Teach and how to use the platform. Note that the courses are free, but users do need to register to access them.

Source Organization: KQED Teach

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