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New School Climate Tool Facilitates Early Intervention On Social-Emotional Issues: Bullying And Suicide Prevention

By Alvin Larson
July 20, 2015

This article discusses a need to develop a more preventative approach, foster pro-social attitudes and a positive school climate, in order to be able to identify and support the students with hidden bruises as well as intervene with pre-bullies early in their school careers. For the most part, students’ social-emotional concerns start small; if left untreated, though, they can become severe and difficult to manage. Inappropriate behaviors are not only harmful to the student who exhibits them; they can also serve to increase the social bruising of his/her peers and can be detrimental to the climate of the entire school. The article goes on to discuss  Connecticut’s Local Education Agencies (LEAs) requirement to purchase or develop a student school climate survey and the Meriden School Climate Survey for Students.

Source organization: Shanker Institute

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